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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectHow to Liberate? Politics or Spirituality?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=20446
20446, How to Liberate? Politics or Spirituality?
Posted by guest, Wed Oct-25-00 06:57 PM
In the interest of obtaining liberation, what do you okayplayerites believe to be the best introductory solution. To be more specific, and this is only an example, if you had the opportunity to teach 17 year olds about how to obtain freedom would you hit them with the reality of Mumia's case or Universal Laws? I don't know if I made myself clear or not, if someone feels I did not please post it and I will do my best to re-phrase the question.

20447, RE: How to Liberate? Politics or Spirituality?
Posted by guest, Wed Oct-25-00 08:50 PM



20448, economics
Posted by k_orr, Thu Oct-26-00 03:58 AM
I wouldn't start with 17 year olds, maybe 17 month olds. But I would need their parents to be their too.

Then I would try and bring in as many business people as I possibly could, particularly lots of Asian immigrants with thriving corner stores, super markets, nail shops, et cetera. Then I would show them the houses and cars, and how they are providing for their children's wellbeing and education, by not having a glamorous career. It's about dollars, not prestige.

Next I would bring in the stodgiest, most conservative, bankers I could find. I would have them break down how they pretty much own everything, but we just rent it from them. I would look into their personal habits/expenditures, and glean from them how power really works.

Next, I would bring in a grip of computer geeks, Folks whose educations really paid off. They would break down how long and hard they studied, and the fact that they had access to technology to explore from early on. Indeed, the big money doesn't come from chasing it, but rather having a passion for what you are doing, and the attitude to excel at it.

Then, I would bring in lots of rappers and artists and their bankstatements. The following day, I would bring in the labels and the distributors and their balance sheets.

My main point would be to teach folks who power/money/and education are linked. At 17, it's really late in the race for cats to get prepared for taking over the world.

The political and spiritual stuff would be extra credit.

k. orr
20449, RE: economics
Posted by janey, Thu Oct-26-00 05:38 AM
The other benefit from this curriculum is that when you've got a lot of guest speakers of different ethnicities, the kids get to see that we're all human, irrespective of what we're wrapped in.

20450, RE: economics
Posted by guest, Thu Oct-26-00 06:17 AM
peace Janey. I'm sorry, but I didn't quite understand your statement. Can you please clarify. Thanks

20451, RE: economics
Posted by janey, Thu Oct-26-00 07:20 AM
k_orr was talking about bringing in representatives from different economic classes in order to educate the kids about who owns what in the community and how that impacts the kids. My point was that because this curriculum includes a variety of ethnicities representing different levels of ownership, the other lesson that is available is that beneath all of the visible differences, beneath all the economic differences, there is essential humanity to each person. To the extent that we hope to change our outlook on race (including whether or not it is a viable construct in the first place), to the extent that we want to become more peaceloving, to the extent that we want to decrease crime, we must overcome the barriers that we place in our own way.

Every time we identify someone as being unsympathetic because they are not like us, irrespective of what we're looking at when we define the differences, we are distancing ourselves from an opportunity to open our minds. If we line up the Chinese and white businessmen and tell the kids that they are to be despised because of their economic status, don't you think those kids are going to hear "race"?

I'm not saying that there hasn't been historic oppression. I'm not saying that oppression isn't ongoing. I'm saying that we need to acknowledge individuals as individuals as well as identifying the problems that exist. What we all have in common is that we are human beings. We think, we feel, we have emotions. We all try to avoid pain, we all seek love. So let's look to the similarities as well as the differences.

20452, RE: economics
Posted by guest, Sun Oct-29-00 09:48 PM
>The political and spiritual stuff would
>be extra credit.
>k. orr

"...but man does not live on bread alone...what good is a range...when it's time to head home?..."com

......peace&blessings.........ukaa......a small axe.......
20453, RE: economics
Posted by k_orr, Mon Oct-30-00 04:55 AM
>>The political and spiritual stuff would
>>be extra credit.
>>k. orr
>"...but man does not live on
>bread alone...what good is a
>range...when it's time to head

well man always has his spirituality with him. But more importantly, plenty of non-spiritual(at least not overtly) people have power. Let's build the church last this time. Let's put the school, the bank, the construction company and the supermarket up first.

k. orr
20454, RE: economics
Posted by guest, Mon Oct-30-00 06:03 AM
I think something is wrong when ministers like Creflo Dollar go on t.v. saying that god wants us to be rich. A synthesis of spirituality and economics is a shady business indeed. Stores before church you say. If people like us didn't have places to number in dire times, I doubt you would be here to argue.People like martin Luther King could easily be millionares in they're day. But obviously they saw fit to work on what they thought was of greater importance than wealth. Can you name a black millionare during the time of the civil rights movement ? Who cares!
