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Topic subjectRE: Here are some responses...
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19070, RE: Here are some responses...
Posted by guest, Mon Jan-29-01 04:35 AM

>That's not true. Race is an
>organization, signified by an idea.

thats not correct- is there a race charter? are there race meetings- i would allow you to say there is a race community but seeing as race as we know it (paricularly the "white" race) is comprised of a wide variety of ethnicities and nationalities i dont see how you could presume them to be as unified organization much less organized.

>To cite Welsing, there is
>only one "race" worth mentioning,
>and that is the "white
>race." As long as white
>supremacy exists, every other "race's"
>attempts at replicating that idea
>is a charade.

No shit- Ive been saying that for quite some time. The only problem is race does extend beyond the "white" ideology as it can be a general term used to describe a subspecies.

> We can
>put the word "white" in
>quotes as much as we
>want to while trying (or
>pretending) to be intellectually rigorous,
>but the fact is that
>laws exist to defend whiteness.
>Surely, you've heard of the
>"one drop" law?

The law at one point defended lynching and murder of Blacks- are you suggesting I appreciate the laws as they ingratiate prejudiced ideas- thats nonsense. This isnt about putting words in quotes- this about realizing the truth and not philosophizing and justifying the lie.

>No, it does matter if race
>is politically and categorically real
>enough and convenient enough to
>use. It's all dressed-up in
>clever political double-speak and zoning
>laws, but the reality of
>race negatively affects Black people
>daily. It mattered when hundreds
>of Black people were corralled
>to Jonestown in Africa and
>mass-murdered. You can pretend that
>a problem doesn't exist and
>has zero basis in reality,
>but your denial may very
>well be your own undoing.

blah blah blah- if you wouldnt take my words out of context you might actually understand them. Directly following these comments I said...

>>If "white" people continue subscribing to
>>ideas of race the damage
>>of subverting culture and oppressing
>>ethnic people will continue to
>>haunt them. Reciprocity is the
>>key here.

The point is- Im not talking about being politically correct Im insisting that you pay attention to the lie that is being perpetrated and be aware of the consequences when it continues to breed destruction upon "white" people and the world. Im not saying race doesnt matter in the political sense- im saying thats no excuse to act like its ideology is true.

>Your first statement is true, although
>I don't know if I
>ultimately agree with your use
>of the quotes in the
>first sentence.

Are you really arguing against my punctuation- thats just stupid.

>White people will
>continue to be damaged by
>their corporations' subversion of culture
>- or the ecosystem. If
>not the white people who
>are considered "adults" now, then
>their children or their childrens'
>children will suffer horribly (as
>will ALL children) for the
>continuous destruction and imbalancing of
>our environment by all people
>on Earth - inspired by
>corporate activity and the practice
>of white supremacy, of course.
>I wouldn't personally worry too
>much about being "haunted." But
>cancer is a serious problem.

cancer aint nothing but a haunt- and Id recommend you respect them at least even if you arent worried. These people put out the impression of superiority and then doubletalk when you call em on it. Dont bother convincing me that they can be white under certain manipulations of discussion- they know they arent; and at some point they'll either admit it- or face dire consequences.

remember the twoer of babel?

>No, because it currently doesn't make
>any sense to tell somebody
>that they aren't white.

sorry charlie- thats a scientific fact. You can challenge science with poltics all ya want but until you can prove it genetically you're basically just defending racism.

>present-day logic says that there
>are great benefits to being
>white. But noone has mentioned
>the health problems that the
>average, mainstream American worker suffers
>(many of them white) for
>working to support America's status
>quo. Or the mental problems.
>As bell hooks says, racism
>is mental illness. We can
>see the effects of that
>mental illness around us every
>day. It doesn't make popular
>"good sense" for Black people
>to tell white people in
>mainstream America to give up
>their whiteness, but it does
>make good sense for Black
>people to organize as a
>group that is self-determining and
>actively counter-racist to show the
>powers that be that it's
>in their best interests not
>to eff with us. We
>can teach by example.

No what makes sense is that we all need to realize that race ideology is racist philosophy and while it may make no sense to you to tell "white" people that they're living a lie- it certainly makes sense to me that you at least realize yourself that its not true and has caused the exact same damage that you consider a priority for the Black struggle. Im not saying "give up whiteness" Im saying admit that it never existed. Admit that you are British, Russian, Jewish, French, Irish American just as you have convinced us to claim to be African American. Admit that the science that provides that they are "white" is the same science that postualted that all other races were a subspecies and more derivative of apes than the exalted caucasian. Admit that culturally "whiteness" refers to not only a wide variety of people stolen form other cultures and ethnicities but a wide variety of customs and traditions stolen from other cultures and ethnicities- maybe even admit that whiteness also culturally refers to oppressing and slaughtering the people of those foreign cultures especially if they resisted "white" determinations.

after "white" people admit all that- then perhaps we can talk about them hanging on to race determinations; but if they still want such a "privilege" are they really to be trusted? How much longer do you think they'll survive.


God dont like ugly