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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectRE: Eloquent and insightful!!!!!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=19012&mesg_id=19040
19040, RE: Eloquent and insightful!!!!!
Posted by guest, Sun Jan-28-01 05:15 PM
>your ancestors came
>to the U.S. to escape
>oppression, so doesn't that point
>to your privilege, your haven
>is our jail. your
>refuge is our torture.
>there's something tragically poetic about
>that. tell me, where
>in the world can i
>go where blacks are not
>subjugate, marginalized, hated, impoverished, colonized,
>etc? tell me, where
>can i go in the
>whole FUCKING world where my
>people aren't looked down upon
>and exploited? i'm glad
>you found yours, but where's
>my haven?

i dont even know what to say that paragraph was sooo truthful, if u wanna call it that, it was so much more, u know it hit me, the depth of it, thats the answer to the entire black struggle-or rather the question- everything, from the day the first shipload of africans arrived in the new world n through till today... it hurts... what can we do i feel helpless if black people themselves dont even understand the struggle what can we do...