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Topic subjectshit, man...calm down yourself...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=17131&mesg_id=17193
17193, shit, man...calm down yourself...
Posted by standard deviant, Fri Mar-09-01 01:08 PM
>Dear supporter of this article:
> I
>don't think that you understand
>how to thoroughly PROVE a
>book like the bible; however,
>I encourage you to do
>like myself and read more
>of it. Gain a
>proper understanding of it and
>then try again.

my original post was SARCASM...I realise that is sometimes hard to see in text, but dayum.

> Although
>there was a good representation
>of it, there were two
>laws of physics which the
>quotes didn't scientifically support.
>One was the law of
>thermodynamics. It didn't really
>go into how energy storage
>burns into heat in ANY
>way. There was another
>one as well which I
>forget but 2 out of
>like 9 isn't bad shooting
>on this part I will
>say well done.

You're joking, right? NONE of those indicate knowlege of laws of physics that any 2 year old doesn't have. I mean, if I say things fall down and not up, have I mastered the concept of gravity?

> One
>more thing pi is equal
>to approximately 3.14159.
> The
>taste of your foot in
>your mouth MUST be UNBEARABLE.

actually, I would ask you how that taste is :)
the fact that pi is irrational and MOST DEFINITELY NOT 3 is exactly the point I was going for (and what should have tipped you off on the sarcasm).

> IN

While we are nit-picking, English isn't latin based. If you check, you'll find that although it can be called romance, it is generally refered to as GERMANIC. The original English is germanic...the Court adopted French way back in the days, and so many romance words have been infused. Hence the ABUNDANCE of synonims in English (most time one being romance, the other germanic). For instance, if I want to say I have had too much to drink, I may either say it in a gutteral (germanic) "I'm DRUNK", or I can use the flouty (romance) "I'm INEBRIATED".

Regardless, if you have found a path to your god, go 'head...I won't complain (until you and your god start fucking with me and mine). But PLEASE don't be trying to claim shit as logical and true when it JUST ISN'T.