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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectNo doubt...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=15876&mesg_id=15901
15901, No doubt...
Posted by Ape Redwood, Wed Apr-04-01 07:22 AM
If the Western culture which consumes us is totally destroyed, the slate is clean, is it not? This means we can go anywhere we choose, choosing Non-western elements that suit us and bringing them all together. Another thing I just realized is that, by destroying the Western culture within ourselves, we have simultaneously already replaced it with an alternative. One cannot be "culture-less." To be overly-simplistic, if we destroy our Western worldview based on the individual, what will autmatically have to replace it? A non-Western perspective based on the community. IF we destroy our Western mental separation between mankind and nature/divinity what will automatically replace it? a non-western view of one-ness with nature/the cosmos/divinity. In fact, the ONLY WAY to destroy the former is to replace it with the latter. So I suppose I answered my own question (don't u just love when that happens!), although there are still sooooo many specifics I would love to discuss.

Also, I have another question, regarding whether or not we should eradicate not only all Western thought but all Western technology as well. Actually I think I will start a separate thread on that, so don't answer it here, just check the board later today.