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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectDis is STOOPID
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=15714&mesg_id=15798
15798, Dis is STOOPID
Posted by cued, Tue Apr-10-01 01:25 PM
Why? Because now you are implicating children.

People, nature gives us all something special when we are born. The ability to experience the whole of the sexual spectrum.

We are all borm bisexual and later, we do, we ALL DO, make a choice. No one is born straight or gay. Yes, str8 people can procreate. But also, given the stupid gender ish men put out, women, or both men and women, often end up spiritually dead. And while gay people cannot procreate, because they are freed from gender constraints, the spirit is not oppressed and is allowed to live.

Aside from this, who has the time to commit to social issues? Care for family members when there is no one else to care for them? Come up with alternative ways of doing or getting or achieving something when there seems to be no way?

Every sexuality comes with its pluses and its minuses.

But none of us, NOT ONE OF US is brought into this world straight and then we have to be protected to stay that way. No. We are all bisexual. And we make a choice, one or the other pulls us more... or we aren't pulled strongly in either direction.

Let children be children be children, no need to confuse them with stupid adult nonsense.

Keep you image of god to YOUR OWN DAMN SELF. If you really love such a bloody diety, have your relationship with him and don't bring it to anyone else.

Learn to accept people as they are, as an expression of Nature's need, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

Stop this STUPID right and wrong business because it, in itself, is flawed and wrong.





Uplifting thoughts:

"We are the end result of our ancestors prayers as they died. We you are the sum total of their answered prayers."

"I am because we are; we are because I am."

"falling in love with somebody's soul...their essence their personality their walk their talk the way they speak and smile...no matter what the physical outer body is..male or female...is a temptation i hope i am never foolish enough to resist." - Hot Damali