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Topic subjectAnother example
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=15580&mesg_id=15621
15621, Another example
Posted by Solarus, Mon Apr-09-01 05:15 AM
Of Blatant universalism.

In response to if Jesus had been portrayed as Black all of these years.

"black people would have the superiority complex, and white people would be arguing that the representation of him being black was incorrect, and that it messed up the culture. this is human nature, not black or white nature."

Why would this be the case? It is OBVIOUS that Jesus is not "white." Therefore a portrayal as being "black" would have obviously been more accurate. The current debate focuses on the obvious lie that is being perpetuated and how it neatly and adequately promotes white supremacy.

Thus why would a statement like this be made? Easy. "Universalism."

"no matter who it happened to, society would still be messed up, people would still feel cheated by it, and it still wouldn't be a happy place."

Why is such a broad generalization made? The circumstances leading to "racism" today are DEEPLY entrenched in a history that could not have occurred in the same manner if the Afrakan and European legacy were reversed. Again "universalism" is the answer to the question.

Again as stated before, "universalism" fits here:

Culture optimal For Each specific Group vs One's own culture is optimal for every other group


Cultural Differences In Psychological Functioning vs Western Psychological Functioning as Standard


"If it's not about NATIONBUILDING, it's not about ANYTHING."- Dr. John Henrik Clarke

"We are not the victims! We are just fighting forces that we cannot see!"
"You don't have the RIGHT to have free time from your children."- 2001 Sankofa Conference

"It is the worst feeling to hear the call of the drum and not be able to respond."-Solarus