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Topic subjectRE: !!!!!!!!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=14576&mesg_id=14598
14598, RE: !!!!!!!!
Posted by guest, Mon May-21-01 08:50 AM
Are you mocking me?:7 I know not every woman lives up to that statement, just like we got a lot of Afrakans lost in the wilderness who don't want to be found. I stand by what I say though. Shit is fucked up now for all groups, I only seek to regain the balance we all once knew. I know I'm arrogant, but mine eyes have seen the glory... I'm just as arrogant about Pan Afrakanism.

PS, Kose, Kose Kose for the dialogue. I'm not glass, I won't break and I appreciate your taking me seriously.

>whoah! allrighty then...my bias right now
>towards women prvents me from
>respnding to this with the
>"wrath" BUT you might be
>right in some twisted alternate
>reality with that statement about
>women...but maybe its just me.
>"Adversity causes some men to break,
>others to break records." -Anonymous
>"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
>-A Navy SEALS Saying
>"Fall seven times, stand up eight."
>-Japanese Proverb
>"The conciousness of self is the
>greatest hindrance to the proper
>execution of all physical
>action." -Bruce Lee