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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectRE: PATRIARCHY
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=14576&mesg_id=14583
Posted by guest, Mon May-21-01 07:21 AM
>he also mentioned the consequences of
>patriarchy and how it was
>something needing to be addressed
>for the future. sometimes people
>rely on the traditions of
>the past for so long
>that they forget to "create"
>and build...continental africans included and
>EXAMPLE: in describing the unit of
>KMT schools designed to look
>after the welfare and future
>of that school, he used
>a word in front of
>some SENEGALESE africans. they responded
>with pride that the word
>he used was a "senegalese"
>word. Armah educated them that
>it was a KMTic term
>from long before the "prison"
>of senegal was invented...
Sounds like he is on point but, I wish you would elaborate on the consequences of patriarchy and how it must be delt with in "the future". We talk of sacrifice and going without. Can Brothers really go without male privelidge? That's when shit is really ON AND POPPIN'. When we as humans, As Afrakans, address our partiarchy-the domination and oppression of women by men-then nation building can be considered to have begun. When the OAU has as many sisters as brothers in LEADERSHIP positions and positions of POWER, then my people will be free. We talk very little about the status of women in our societies-our previous status and our current. We talk very little about how women's oppression is at the base of this world oppression. I am not speaking about lip service-"A nation is only as strong as it's women" Many people don't even believe that. We speak of our race, our god of the universe as male and yet we fail to make the connection between women's oppression and the rape of the earth. Lets get real with this shit. If it aint about nation building, it aint about nothin' is true, what type of nation though?

Peace and Love