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Topic subjectsorry, but
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=14508&mesg_id=14517
14517, sorry, but
Posted by LexM, Thu May-24-01 10:38 AM
>The point im getting at is
>Go to the source (The
>Bible) To see what it
>says on the issue.

I can't take the Bible as the "source" of anything but the Christian faith. Just as the Vedas are the "source" of the Hindu faith. It has been too corrupted by too many hands through too many centuries. I'm still studying all these things, so check with me in a few months :)

>yes Jesus had siblings that's
>not a mystery Luke 8:
>19 "Now Jesus' mother and
>brothers came to see him"
>Mark 6: 3 "Isn't this
>Mary's son and the brother
>of James, Joseph, Judas and
>Simon? Aren't his sisters here
>with us?"


>Now as for the His childhood
>not being written about completely
>there is one about Him
>when he was twelve teaching
>in the Temple Luke 2:

Yes, that is well-known, but after that we know next to nothing. At least that's what I've always been told.

>One can also conclude
>that Jesus stayed in one
>area throughout His childhood due
>to the reaction He received
>from His fellow townsmen when
>He claimed he was the
>Messiah. (He was rejected) Luke
>4: 14-30

I'd have to read the passage, but just going off what you said here, would it really matter? I mean, whether it was your next door neighbor or some guy halfway across the world, if he came back after x number of years and professed to be the Messiah, would you believe him?

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