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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectyou just dont get it...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=13958&mesg_id=13999
13999, you just dont get it...
Posted by Expertise, Tue May-29-01 09:01 AM
>wish you'd been at the lecture...
>he spoke about what HAS to
>happen rightn now. i.e. creating
>the ability to generate capital
>that will be used for
>resources to provide self-sufficiency. for
>example: participating within this capitalistic
>game in order to get
>to a point where we
>aren't dependent on it. gaining
>RESOURCES, not money, that will
>carry us on for the
>next hundred generations to come...

*shaking head*

Uta, put two and two together. The whole idea in the "capitalistic game" is to generate capital and resources in order to not be dependant on anything!

Not to mention, money and resources go hand in hand. Money gains you access to the resources. If you think you can gain and/or maintain resources without some reserve source of currency, you're sorely mistaking.

I'm sure it was an exaggeration, but the "next hundred generations" isn't set in stone for any of us, much less being prepared and secure for it. We need resources to carry us NOW, and by building an economic web you're able to help prepare for future generations.

New Quotes....

Fascist ethics begin ... with the acknowledgment that it is not the individual who confers a meaning upon society, but it is, instead, the existence of a human society which determines the human character of the individual. According to Fascism, a true, a great spiritual life cannot take place unless the State has risen to a position of pre-eminence in the world of man. The curtailment of liberty thus becomes justified at once, and this need of rising the State to its rightful position. - Mario Palmieri, "The Philosophy of Fascism" 1936

The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. - H.L. Mencken

When will the world learn that a million men are of no importance compared with one man? - Henry David Thoreau

"In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.'" - Dosteovsky's Grand Inquisitor.

"The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." - Ayn Rand

And always...my favorite....
Life is insensitive, and the truth can be highly offensive. To hide from either is to hide from the reality of life. Take comfort in the fact that I am an equal opportunity offender. You today. Someone else tomorrow. You have no Constitutional right not to be offended. - Neal Boortz