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Topic subjectRE: Would you live anywhere else?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=12486&mesg_id=12561
12561, RE: Would you live anywhere else?
Posted by sistasoul, Fri Jul-06-01 06:55 PM

>so what do you mean by

>success? it's all relative -

>and relative to the capitalistic

>global society that we are

>currently residing in, success is

>measured in exactly those terms.

>it's up to you to

>define the terms of your

>success for your self but

>for people living in modern

>societies that have set the

>standard for success as having

>more of everything, how else

>is "real success" measured? you

>said you were a realist

>- I beg to differ.

Do you? Well, thats cool. I call myself a realist, you differ. Its all good. To think that "real success" whatever that is, is measured by "having more of everything" is foolish. I suppose my first statement was a little unclear, perhaps I shouldn't have used the word success because unfortunately, it is defined by all those material things. We as blacks will never be able to escape the mental enslavery that we have been subjected to for so many years. The country was not designed for us to be free. We, and by we I mean blacks living in America, have been made to think for so long that material things are what account for accomplishment and achievement. That is our downfall. And you just proved my EXACT point, so thank you.




>question: do we have to be

>accepted by whites for us

>to acknowledge our worth as

>human beings. excuse me but

>fuck anybody, black, white, red,

>blue, I don't care who

>- who tells me that

>I need their acceptance before

>I can be deemed worthy

>as a human being and

>an individual. that's not an

>issue and it shouldn't be.

>we don't need to walk

>around demanding to be accepted.

>we need to focus on

>more pressing issues.

Answer: What do you think the mindless pursuit of acquiring material things ("real success" as you eloquently put it) is in essence? It is a way that we try to say "look, for so long, I couldn't have these things but now I do..." It is essentially, and maybe subconciously a quest for approval by this American society. Blacks strove for civil rights, integration, so that they could have the same things that whites have. Live in the same neighborhoods as whites do. Drive nice cars like whites did. If thats not a quest for acceptance, I don't know what is.

Question: Please tell me, I'm interested to know what you think are the pressing issues that we need to focus on?>


Why would

>>you want to stay in

>>a country that has ruined

>>you in so many ways

>>physicall and mentally? If

>>the ideals and fundamental of

>>the constitution are really all

>>that wonderful, then is the

>>predicament of Blacks in America

>>so fucked up now?


Realize this. You will never, EVER fix what is ruined in this country. NEVER. I don't care if you lived a thousand lifetimes. It won't happen because the crutch that is held over us is one of ignorance and of mind control. The only way to battle those things are by educating people about their history, and about where they came from. I assure you, if you and others like you, knew HALF, just half the shit that has been taken away from Africans throughout history by Europeans, you would have no desire to dwell anywhere that they reside. Your focus would be on uniting your people and taking them back to the place called Africa. As for the last sentence, I think its quite self explanatory. Someone in another response said that the cats who wrote the Declaration and the constitution were on to something. Well whatever they were onto obviously didn't involve helping Blacks in America, if it did, we would be flourishing, not floundering.


>um. . . but didn't they

>do that already?? I think

>that's why they left eventually.

>they took what they wanted

>and left the scraps to

>the natives.

Um...no, they didn't already do that. Did you think I just made up the fact about Africa having the most untapped resources on the planet? It is just that, FACT. And mark my words, Europeans are no where near finished using Africa for all its worth. Look it up if you don't trust my word, you'll find the truth.


>> and that's the God's honest truth.

>so now what?

I thought thats what these boards where supposed to do...answer that question. So now what? Got any ideas?

>that's really easy for you to

>say. the only raping and

>pillaging going on in Africa

>as far as I know

>is being done by the

>Africans themselves. And sorry to

>gray your blue skies but

>it's going to take millenias

>before Africa returns to its

>former glory. In the meantime,

>the fortunate who can make

>their way out of the

>beloved "dark continent" will continue

>to do so.

No, its easy for me to say because I know what I'm talking about. Trust me, there is nothing you could possibly say to ruin my blue skies. If you think that it is really going to take millenias to restore Africa, than you are one of the mentally enslaved. Your mind is on lockdown and you don't even know it. "As far as you know" all the pillaging has been done to Africa by Africans. Would it kill to look a little deeper than that. I used the Rwanda situation and apartheid as an example. People in Africa are not just arbitrarily warring or killing each other. These are feuds set in motion by Europeans to divide and conquer nations. And those who aren't killing over feuds, are doing it because they are starving, and their countries are being exploited for the natural resources that are rightly theirs. So before pointing fingers, please look at the ENTIRE picture. I'm sure your views would be much different. And for future reference, reffering to Africa as the "dark continent" is very insulting. That term was derrogatory and used by explorers and Europeans during the slave trade.

I thank you for responding to my post. It at least lets me know that people are out there and thinking, even if I disagree with them a little bit. I want for you to respond to this one if anything is unclear. I may be able to suggest some books that might bring some issues into clearer light.
