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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=11531&mesg_id=11610
Posted by guest, Tue Oct-02-01 10:53 AM
(sorry yall, but i'm tired of this shit!)

Do yall remember the post when heru came on and said he was simply "going on a pilgrimage to Kemet?" I think those were his exact words in the subject line...And do you also remember Halleluyah's response: "why go to Kemet? why not to the original land?" ??? Yall remember that one? All he said was "I'm going to Kemet" which warranted no attack what-so-ever! Yet and still, she was the only one coming off like that...(contention 1)

i say this to you Halleluyah, because i've noticed and i KNOW i'm not the only one) that the questions you post are antagonistic in their spirit, here are some examples from this thread:

>>If egypt is not the first civilization, why do you stop there to get all yoru knowledge

sounds antagonistic. has nothing to do with anything productive.(contention 2)

>>As a "scholar" have you researched the similarities between "
Shumerian texts and egyptian texts?
are you aware of which civilization came first?
Do you know along teh timeline of civilization and culture, where the egyptians lay?

this seems to be directed at the original poster, (since no one mentioned it ini the thread)., and also soounds antagonistic.

>>what proof is there taht egypt or kmt was thefirst civilization?"

sounds (or is just worded) antogonistically.

>>Who is cro-magnon man?"
How long did it take for man to evolve from ape to hominid
to homo erectus
to homo sapien?

WTF? this is pretty obvious...TOTALLY irrelevant to anything.(contention 3)

in conclusion...

EVEYBODY else asked questions geared towards learning. Why are you the only one that didn't? Kinda shows your true colors if you ask me. Just do me a favor and stop wasting our collective time and board space.

I'm through with you...

A Mythical Two-Headed Crocodile Sharing a Common Stomach. A symbol of UNITY IN DIVERSITY & WARNING AGAINST INTERNAL SQUABBLES WHERE THERE IS A COMMON DESTINY. Here's a pic: http://www.library.cornell.edu/africana/Writing_Systems/Funtummireku.html

If it works do it, if it doesn't, DO BETTER!
