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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=9582&mesg_id=9583
Posted by Brownsugar, Sun Oct-01-00 06:26 AM
I briefly, looked through your entry, concerning reparations for African Americans. I know that Dorothy Tillman, Chicago Alderman, is an advocate in that aspect. I have listen to talk shows about this issue. I just wonder...would it better us as a people to be compensated financially for the years of our entrapment into slavery. Yes, we were let loose in this country to fin for ourselves...like a row boat, without a paddle!!!

As a result, crime, lack of education and dependance upon an unfair government, has overshadowed us as a people. It has been going on for so long, that it's supposedly a natural way of life, for Black American people. Would it really help to place money in the hands of those that have been misused an abused by this system, called government. Yes, I feel reparation should be well thought over and put into all proper prospective first. A lot of African American people are still property of the government, depending upon government subsidation. It's sad to say, but it is true...A lot of African Americans abuse the government programs, which I feel, were set up with the wrong intent. These programs have not inhanced very many African American lives...If anything, these programs have become a hinderance.

I will ask this question...Would financial reparation heal this serious problem???