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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectRE: If you believe in Soul Mates.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=9351&mesg_id=9436
9436, RE: If you believe in Soul Mates.
Posted by Asoyini, Sat Feb-02-02 05:29 PM
Yeah but Bob Marley's "father" wasn't in his life nor did he play a central role in his development or upbringing. Personally I have been there and done that and it isn't for me. Give me a dark man full of melanin. Brothas have stood by me from day one and so as a sista I must stand by them. Whenever I have dated outside I never felt completely innerstood on certain issues that are of importance for me. I can't deny that reality.

>i'd have to say i know
>how it feels being the
>minority.. where i live now..
>i'm the only somewhat white
>person around (half colombian) everyone
>else is black... i'm started
>to understand how different spanish
>and black families live and
>the characteristics they have. i
>am completely for the mixing..
>im a mix of irish
>and colombian and one other
>person comes to mind when
>i think of mixing and
>that is bob marley.. this
>father was white... a french
>soldier.... although if you want
>to get into being picky...
>i'd love to find a
>girl who is half black
>half white and jewish.... thats
>just me.....

You be talkin' bout you want the war to cease but when you show soul we will show you peace!