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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectRE: so in your experience
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=9229&mesg_id=9279
9279, RE: so in your experience
Posted by Cre8, Mon Feb-04-02 10:50 AM
You're contradicting yourself:

<<We're not talking about breaking the Law, people cheating on their partners or ACTS THAT DON'T OCCUR BETWEEN TWO CONSENTING ADULTS.>>
Then you contradict yourself:
<<...Age isn't the issue (At least not in this case), in so much as people should have sex when they feel emotitionally ready to do so, take the proper precautions and are having sex with someone they feel they can entrust their safety to.>>

Age isn't an issue, yet there is an age limit for consenting?

***Dipo was instituted as a puberty rite for girls between the ages of 14 and 21 years.***
If I'm not mistaking adult age to drink (which is also considered pleasurable by many) in the U.S. is 21, could that be because the law feels that a person of that age has the -emotional and physical maturity to make the decision regarding whether or not they should drink-.Then why not the same for sex?

As for age not being an issue, many adult men take on the same thought when they can get a 14 yr.old girl to entrust her feelings of emotional readiness in having sex, and a majority of time neither feels necessary to take the proper percautions. The usual reason for a man is that he feels the girl is to young, therefore clean and STD free, as for the girl-hell she's 14 and ENTRUSTing herself to this adult man.

One of the main things I don't understand about your arguments is how you think a person will feel sexually repressed if they dont experiment, making sound as if anyone 14to21 not experimenting with sex has issues or something. And what do you mean by experiment: Is it having sex with various people(that can be done after 21) or having sex with the same gender or being bi(that can be done after 21 aslo).

Also if Dipo last between 14 and 21 then why do assume that a person will not go buck wild at age 22(an adult,free to do what they please)? Why do you assume that they will be sexually repressed, get married or even have children? And seeing that your confounded by procreation why would you find it okay for someone regardless of age and maturity level should experiment with sex. Just about every teenage kid in the US feels emotionally mature and many look physically mature, but hit their ass with a baby and some bills and that maturity will shrink.

I don't think Dipo is teaching girls you must get married you must have children. If anything its teaching to hold off on marriage and having babies before your 21 while also preparing a girl for events that might occur in her lifetime as a woman.