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Topic subjecttell me your stories
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=9229&mesg_id=9256
9256, tell me your stories
Posted by kemetian, Thu Jan-31-02 06:52 PM
traditional african societies, uninfluenced by western culture that encourages "sexual partners" as M2 used the term.

>>there are no potential "sexual partners"
>>b/c in non-western cultures, that's
>>not the way ppl operate.
>the above is false...
>i have many stories!!!

"If u want a butterfly u got to B a
butterfly" - India.Arie, Butterfly

"the wages of sin is death"
Romans ch.6 v.23

"If the essence of 'love'... is giving
selflessly or sacrificing for others,
how can it then be equated with
something that you can 'fall into or
out of'?" - Ra Un Nefer Amen,
Afrocentric Guide to a Spiritual Union