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Topic subjectRE: *scoff*
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=7519&mesg_id=7640
7640, RE: *scoff*
Posted by PaulNice, Sun Jul-21-02 06:45 AM
>Y'know...I don't believe you. Why? Because I don't think you
>are so stupid as to take your white racist ass into an
>all-black environment. I have faith in your idiocy, but not
>that much. You have enuff sense to know that if you're
>within' ten feet of a black community, I or anyone else
>would whup your ass.

I dont care if you don't believe me. I had zero probs in that spot before or after. People were just pissed that a white kid was pulling their girls.

>And point #2:
>And if by chance you are even more stupid than I imagined
>and got your ass kicked, that's too minor to be considered a
>hate crime. Everyone gets jumped. It's not that big of a
>deal. I'd only be concerned if your ribs were cracked in

You wouldn't be concerned at all. I was physically assaulted because of the color of my skin, and was called various racial epithets throughout the encounter. If the colors were reversed, you'd be on here with a kleenex box, whining and bitching.

>Point #1: I remember hearin' of this story. It happened in
>Texas or somethin'....And, I know for a fact that the black
>men involved were sentenced.

No, it happened in Illinois. Nice guess, though.

>Point #2: I doubt you did a goggle search on "white boy
>victimization" or something related to that. Again, I don't
>think you're so stupid as to go out of your way doin'
>research on a topic as lame as this.

Yes, I am that stupid. And the reason I searched for it is because someone mentioned it on another website, and I didn't believe that it happened and no one reported it. I was wrong, like you.

>Black power movements are far from being "asinine".

Black supremacy movements ARE asinine.

>They are
>based on educatin' Blacks of our rich history, culture, and
>place in politics. They have no mainstream voice because the
>white-dominated entertainment industry has nothing to gain
>from black empowerment.

Is that why there are no blacks on MTV, VH1, BET, every pop and r&b radio station, every professional sport, and a whole slew of movies? - lol, you're funny.

>They need to maintain a level of professionalism? LOLOLOLOL.

You are twisting my words. I said an APPEARANCE of some LEVEL of professionalism. And I was referring specifically to news programs.

>And, why is it that white racists like Bill O'Reilley have
>their own shows to showcase their backwardsass politics?

I will agree with you that his being on television is a travesty.

>Africans? Or Black Americans?
>Why aren't African nations self-sufficient? Because of
>western colonization.

Yes, I know. That's why I said that "taken in socioeconomic and historical context, these facts don't argue for black inferiority". But they certainly don't argue for black superiority!

>Why do I advocate Black superiority? Because my people are
>responsible for creating rich traditions in history,
>politics, literature, music, art, dance, etc.

So are every people. Big deal.

>Superiority is not measured by all those instruments you
>measured. You seem to measure superiority by a group's
>ability to exploit/colonize. I don't go by that definition.

Neither do I. I wasn't arguing FOR the superiority of any race, I was arguing AGAINST the superiority of any race. Don't forget - you're the supremacist here, not me.

>Can you honestly say that you are proud of your history?

Yes I can.

>you love Thomas Jefferson in the same way I love Malcolm X?

No, I do not love Jefferson because he is a pop icon. I love him because he was a great philosopher, activist and revolutionary.

>Do you have posters of Lincoln hangin' on your walls?

No, I do not. Posters are corny as shit.

> I
>doubt it. We have a history of dynamic personalities (who
>struggled to secure rights for us) that are absent in white

You are apparently ignorant regarding American history.

>Damn, you just don't get it. All of the prime-time shows are
>in urban settings where Black folks are greater in number. I
>don't care if they're only 13% out of the entire American
>population. Montana may be 99% white but none of the shows
>are set there are they? The shows are concentrated in areas
>like Los Angeles or New York where minorities are the

So, you don't like TV. Turn it off and READ SOMETHING. Regardless, blacks are overrepresented on television, so please stop whining.

>Not to mention, all the minority actors out there play
>Samboish roles that conform to the whitewashed system.
>Rather than tell the story of the minority experience, they
>are forced to play roles that don't challenge white


>It's not a theory. It's a fact. I tried to find a link, but

Surprise, surprise. Didn't see that one coming! LOL

. What's also interesting is that Usama, when
>addressing the list of white American atrocities, mentioned
>the heinous bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They were
>quick to edit that out becos they sure as hell didn't want
>him to look like he's making sense.

Suuuure he did. Hey you know what? I saw that too! Right at the end he said he was just kidding, and that he attacked the towers because he found "Queens Of Comedy" offensive and hates black people. Really. I'd hook you up with a link, but I can't seem to find one...