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Topic subjectRE: Free will vs predestination, God's omniscience...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=5388&mesg_id=5458
5458, RE: Free will vs predestination, God's omniscience...
Posted by T_Dawg, Thu Apr-03-03 09:55 AM
>im officially sick of this calling God "her" because only
>women have the miracle of whatever. whether women or men
>birth children is completely irrelevant to any "gender" that
>God would have... not that he has one anyway.

Yes, children yes on this planet. Yet I didnot say women can create babies, just that they have the power to create life, which is the basis for my use of that languge.

>My point is we all know that God isnt a boy or girl anyway
>so why even bother messing it all up. I call God he because
>thats what it calls him in THE BIBLE
>THE BASIS OF OUR FAITH. I think its only right to do the
>same. Of Course if you dont think The Bible is true then
>What you call your God is completely up to you.

True, as I do not believe that the bible is correct, nor incorrect, but that it was written by man, and man may take creative license. Intentionally or not.

>And in reply to the rest of the post that im still reading.
>If you think no one has a choice then whats the point of
>life. i'm sayin, no matter how you get to it you must end up
>concluding that we have a choice. even if you believe in

True, I believe the path is set, and we make the choices, like a mouse running a maze. There is one correct path, but the choices to fail are granted as well, and observed

>P.S. I dont hate women.
yeah, women ROCK, like a hurricane