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Topic subjectRE: Disprove Evolution
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=3805&mesg_id=3926
3926, RE: Disprove Evolution
Posted by SoulCrates, Wed Oct-01-03 12:51 PM

One objection against creationism is this: if god DID create the universe because you can't simply have something that appears by itself, then...what created god? This was also Hume's problem/dilemma I believe.

and even if you attempted to use the whole "what created us" as a proof for god, realize that it can be a double edged sword. because if it worked, it would also in theory prove MULTIPLE gods, not just one god.

And positing god as an explanatory concept by itself doesn't work unless you define or describe what god is? Is he knowable? If so, describe him and his attributes (not to mention how you came to these conclusions). Is he unknowable? If that's true, than an even bigger can of worms is opened.

Me? I'm a dude who's decided to stop ghosting because he's bored as hell at work. bwahaha.