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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectamen to that!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=24888&mesg_id=24913
24913, amen to that!
Posted by gemini, Mon Apr-17-00 05:57 AM
It never ceases to amaze me how "exiled" Cubans are pimping the American public, how George Bush and Al Gore are pimpin' the Cuban vote, and/or how easily people can invoke "the rights of the child" in a country (the U.S.) that has yet to sign the U.N. declaration on the Rights of the Child. HUH?

THEN the "relatives" are gonna come out and accuse the daddy of being "abusive" with no factual data, no proof, no nada........slander is OK, but Communism is real bad news.....yeah, uh huh..........

It never ceases to amaze me how people forget that most of the 1 milion or so Cubans in Miami vote REPUBLICAN and "fled" Cuba when thier money was gettin funny when Batista was ousted.......C'MON!

This is not about "human rights" and if it were, Cuba would be the least of our worries. Much more grievous offenses are happening in Countries that the U.S. does busine$$ with........

this is all a crock of SHIT if you ask me.....and a six year old is being treated like a human football................

"Y'all don't believe fat meat greasy!!"-my mama