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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectMy unpopular opinion
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=24888&mesg_id=24891
24891, My unpopular opinion
Posted by BooDaah, Sat Apr-15-00 06:13 AM
He needs to go ahead and be with his daddy. He needs to go home. He needs to get out of my ears, and off my TV.

There are kids in my neighborhood who go through hell everyday and are seen as "problems" or at minimum "at risk" with no/very little help in sight. They live in Cali and have NEVER been to the mountains, or seen Disneyland. They walk aroun in hand-me-down clothes and when their parents seek assistace they are told that they are lazy, bad parents, and need to stop relying on the gub-mint. This kid (and his aunts and whatnot) gets new gear, friggin bodyguards, and free trips to EVERYWHERE. At six he can get in places I can't and I have a job and pay taxes. WTF??

Now here comes this little boy, and all of a sudden AmeriKKa is tripping over itself with empathy? Get outta here. If he was from Haiti, his lil ass woulda BEEN back home (if they let him in at all).

This country cracks me up sometimes...

Help BooDaah STAY the Moderator for the OkayActivism Board....

Fill Angiee's Mailbox full of requests for me (HAHA she'll LOOOOVE THAT!!!)

How's THAT for pandering HMMMM???