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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=24836&mesg_id=24836
Posted by didi, Sun May-07-00 09:21 AM
Okay, Players.

I have seen the upmteenth post about how wack B.E.T. is - in fact, I have even participated in them.

I AM ALL FOR DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THE BULLSHIT B.E.T. KEEPS PASSING ON FOR "ENTERTAINMENT!" We ain't gotta like it because it's Black-owned or Black people are in it: "Black folks are in jail - do you like that?" (c) Chris Rock

Now that we have this spiffy OkayActivist Board up, let's devise a plan. Keep the following things in mind:

1) Are you ready to hear the bitching and moaning from people who will say "But that's all we got! We gotta support it!"

1a) People of Color: Are you ready to be called a sell-out for supporting this effort?

1b) European-Americans: Are you ready to be called RACIST for supporting this effort?

2) In your plan, does it call for a SPECIFIC plan of action and/or timeline for action, with detailed activities, objectives, tasks, and evaluative measures for success (i.e., benchmarks)?

3) Are you ready to boycott advertisers who still buy time on B.E.T.? (Let me go buy my George Foreman Grill first ...)

4) If Bob Johnson decides to respond (most likely with lipservice to placate the masses), are you willing to FOLLOW THROUGH AND HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE?

5) Is preparation to contact Cable Providers to ask for the removal of B.E.T. in the proposal for action?

6) If all this fails, do you have suggestion on how people can invest in A NEW BLACK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK?

7) Are you REALLY READY if B.E.T. goes off the air because of this? I mean, when the mainstream networks begin to exploit us again because, after all, this will mean that we are not satisfied with the crumbs that we have, are we willing to take the heat?

More things should be considered later, but I'll let this marinate for a minute.

"Don't talk about it - BE about it!!!!!"

The Smut PhoeniXXX

"D(i), muthafucka, D(i)!!!!!" - Radio Raheem, "Do the Right Thing"

"Just be 'bout what you about, dog" - Jay Dee of Slum Village

"Contrary to made-for-the movies and what you think you see on the street corners, Afro-Americans are the most puritanical people in the U.S. cause they're always trying to live up to or live down stereotypes insteada being themselves." - Reginald Martin, "What Makes Siedah Zip"