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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectRE: Men and Women need to start talking HONESTLY, so we can heal.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=23434&mesg_id=23469
23469, RE: Men and Women need to start talking HONESTLY, so we can heal.
Posted by guest, Tue Jul-25-00 02:58 AM

Allright, I hate to respond to two separate posts in one, but they kind of string together.

First of all, the "pain" that you refer women having, I don't see how that is relevant at all. If it is, it goes something like this: Women are taught by society that their main role is to take care of children. If they choose not to do this they may feel unsure about their actions. Is that because working outside the house is wrong or improper or unnatural? Hell no, it is because for such a long time now society has been pushing the idea that if there are children then it is a woman's role to take care of them. That may be why some women would feel the "pain" of working outside the home, and it has nothing to do with who should stay home and take care of the kids.

Second, you say the bible has the ideal man-woman relationship. What do you mean by that? Is this some sort of "servant leadership" type relationship? I admit that I have limited experience with the bible, but what I remember about it definitely had the woman in a subservient position.
