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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectword
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=23285&mesg_id=23318
23318, word
Posted by unity, Wed Jul-19-00 09:09 AM
i agree with you 99.9%
the small percentage that does not agree with you is the part of me that understands that many people aren't ready for this yet and race does matter. It will have an impact on your life in a multitude of ways and so it will affect you and whoever you choose as a partner.

personally, i think interracial marriage is great--i wouldn't be here without it. Unless i marry someone who is multiracial as well, i suppose i will technically be marrying interracially myself. My sister-in-law is white and that is just fine with me. i don't really thing about it too often--except now that they are expecting a baby girl, so i have been thinking that i am gonna have to help my sister-in-law with this child's hair... ;-)

Essentially, what i am saying is that the ideal situation is for folks to love, marry, befriend etc. whomever they choose without "race" being a barrier, but in the real world, these false race clasifications that we structure so much of our lives by, will inevitably dictate not only our decisions, but the ways in which we are treated for making these decisions...

not sure if i'm making sense. low blood-sugar making it hard to think clearly. perhaps i'll be back after i get some grub.

"You are the revolution,.....don't wait to see it on the 6 o'clock news. Bear witness to yourself."

"theres' so much tension and hate in the world that the act of love to your neighbor is trully revolutionary...it's all about thinking differently than the mainstream concerns of now. "
