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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectMy bad
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=22778&mesg_id=22799
22799, My bad
Posted by BooDaah, Tue Aug-01-00 12:24 PM
We used to call them HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities). anyway I digress....

>My thing is that
>there is a certain amount
>of elitism underneath this constant
>"cristal/ass shaking is wrong" complaint.

I never said that, I said (in a roundabout way) too much of it is a bad thing. big diffference.
maybe it's elitist to think so, but hell I've been called worse.

>Certain types of complacency gets
>pointed out while its ignored
>in other areas.

True....but we were adressing a specific thing. The statement you make is valid, but saying "they're doing it too" doesn't make it any better.

>Why is it okay for Lauryn
>Hill to spend a grip
>on a "conscious" video -
>money that could be better
>spent (imo), while its
>wrong to make a video
>with a bunch of flossin"?

nobody said it was. but then again if somebody spends a million bucks on something that will educate as opposed to spending it on rented cars/houses and clothes is that not even a little better?

>I've see Thought in Timberlands
>(expensive boots) - no he
>may not rhyme about them
>but who cares, they're on
>his feet...feel me.

Not to defend, but if he earned those boots doing something legal and didn't have to prostitute himself/others to get it ain't it better than to reap the windfall of selling keys and such? just another question. i don't begrudge anyone the spoils of their work as long as it isn't "blood money".

>Isn't it all "flossin" but in
>a different way? A sense
>of community should extend to
>all & be expected of
>all..not just some.

Agreed. Flossing ain't nbecessarily bad (again) in and of itself, but what you do to get there and the climate that you contribute to in your display of your floss. Don't make it seem like you got a deal and balled from day one, show some respect for the amount of hard work you gotta do to get and stay there.

>The problem is everyone assumes the other person >is the crab.

not necessarily. crab is as crab does. doesn't it "take one to know one". we're ALL crabs in one way or another. the question is: how do you justify/counterbalance (there's that word again) your crabbiness?

>My solution would be to...

i agree 100% with the rest and have nothing to add. Except, that I hope folks are taking the time to read this you knows things :-)

BooDaah-OkayActivist Moderator
Sister SheRise's Activist Stew Recipe:
step 1. inform yourself step /step 2. inform others/step 3. discuss the problem /step 4. DISCUSS SOLUTIONS/step 5. EXECUTE SOLUTIONS/step 6. evaluate how well the solution worked/step 7. start over at 1 until desired result is accomplished.
Coolest thing I've read on OKP recently (courtesy of Quinn):
"when eminem gets on the cover of some teen fan zine with nick from n'sync, kevin from bsb and sisqo, it's because america is more comfortable with a white guy rapping about rapeing his mother than method man rapping about anything."