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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectRE: who? the men who hijacked the planes on 11th septem
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=156&mesg_id=209
209, RE: who? the men who hijacked the planes on 11th septem
Posted by The Damaja, Mon Sep-13-04 03:17 PM
>or an iraqi who opposes the invation of his country? there
>is a difference there: the iraqi man does what people in
>that situation have done throughout history.

The Iraqi attacks are from "extremists," not the average citizen. Suicide bombing is NOT a natural response to anything. It is the product of brainwashing.

The US Military? Well the US military is much better equipped than anyone else and they don't ask the soldiers to go into certain death. It's just standard warfare

but suicide bombing? come on, THINK of the brainwashing you'd need to do to get someone to suicide bomb