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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectwho? the men who hijacked the planes on 11th september
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=156&mesg_id=208
208, who? the men who hijacked the planes on 11th september
Posted by Federisco, Mon Sep-13-04 12:20 PM
or an iraqi who opposes the invation of his country? there is a difference there: the iraqi man does what people in that situation have done throughout history.

not all terrorism is suicide bombing either.

but you mentioned brainwashing... isn't the US military like any military one of the largest brainwashing camps in function? how soldiers are drilled for hostile situations, how some soldiers listen to "burn motherfucker burn" while killing, how they have an extremly narrow-minded image of the enemy.


War is nothing but a campaign / Freedom is nothing but a brand name

The Impossible attracts me, because everything possible has been done and the world didn’t change.
-Sun Ra