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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectWAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=19577&mesg_id=19599
19599, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Solarus, Tue Jan-16-01 10:24 AM

It is no mere coincidence that most of the world's philanthropists and/or humanitarians are the richest capitalists around. Carnegie, Rockefeller, Rhodes were all "great" humanitarians. This image is just a public ploy and part of the rhetorical ethic of Western culture to show that these persons who have made it through capitalism are virtuous and generous. However the real deal is that capitalism is a system based on exploitation and domination of the fellow wo/man. Any piece of the pie given by those individuals, including the GAtes and Turners of today, is show small and neglilible that it has no bearing on their character other than to show that they are truly Western to the core by their rhetorical natures.

Sure the money can help those in need but overall it is not indicative of "generosity" in the characters of those who exploit a system that benefits from impoverishing others in the first place. Also the money is not meant to truly end poverty or at least impede it since capitalism is the reason why so many are impoverished and exploited today.

Oh yeah Carnegie, Rockefeller and Rhodes all benefitted from the European colonization of Africa which futhered their wealth. That's like taking away someone's house and then giving them a tent to live in when it starts raining.


"To be perfect is to lack nothing essential to the whole therefore I AM."-Solarus

"And if I have to dead you, it's only cuz I love you."- Talib Kweli