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Topic subjectRE: That's not how the world is...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=17655&mesg_id=17661
17661, RE: That's not how the world is...
Posted by guest, Thu Mar-01-01 06:51 AM
>if that's not how the world
>is segregated, then how come
>you were bussed ?

because there was no high school in my neigborhood. so, my situation is an anomaly.

>world unfortunately is very segregated.
>I just don't like the
>fact that blacks need to
>be shipped out of their
>neighborhoods to receive a good
>education.How come the schools aren't

The world is not as segregated as we think. I guarantee you that you will come in contact with someone not black by the end of the day. Schools are not equal because school boards base their allocation of funds on the tax payers' dollars in any particular school's district.

>You probably would have gotten into
>to Howard with good SAT
>score, excellent grades and extra
>curricula activities. Most colleges use
>these criteria's to select their
>students not the school you
>went to.

Not true. Colleges DO look at an applicant's high schools as well. They determine whether or not a high school's curriculum meets their standards for college prep. And i don't support the SAT which is a test based on class and status. The ACT was much more universal.

I met alot of culture ignorance, but no hatred or hostility. The kids I went to school with held beliefs that were taught to them by their families. If we and other non-whites had not attended that school who knows what kind of ignorance we all would have carried into adulthood. And for the record, this education by way of peers went both ways. I had my own issues that i had to deal with (ex:White ppl don't smell funny, it's their DOGS)<---wry sarcasm. I think this is the point of desegregation that gets lost in debate. Nobody's saying to assimilate and forget ones history. But let's face it. We're stuck on this planet together for the rest of our lives. Middle and high schools are the perfect place to get to understand and respect each others cultures and differences. What you do after that is your business.