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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectDo Better
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=16569&mesg_id=16614
16614, Do Better
Posted by Solarus, Thu Mar-22-01 03:36 PM
>animal farm,
>by George Orwell.
>ok,....seven words,.......
>of course, this could never happen,
>ok, ok,....a bunch of sentences,.......

>what would happen if man didnot
>use certain animals for food.
>we wouldnt have any place to
>the animals would dominate the land.

This doesn't make sense AT ALL, since most of the meat eaten by large societies is meat from raised DOMESTICATED ANIMALS.

>certain animals were created for us
>to use as food and
>to get food from.

Which ones?

>other animals were left to be
>alone, to deal with other
>animals in the food chain.

Which ones?

>so erybody,....
>take ya tims off,
>take ya leather jackets off,
>take ya shoes off,
>take ya watches off,
>take ya car seats out,
>take ya overcoat off,
>take ya wigs off,
>take ya weaves off,
>get rid of ya pianos,
>take ya belts off,
>work with nature, not against it.

VEGAN does NOT equal ANIMAL RIGHTS ACTIVISTS. More importantly, not eating meat centers on maintaining optimal physical, mental and spiritual health.

>vegan is cool, but doing what
>is natural cooler.

This statement makes NO SENSE. I don't have the time to show how ridiculous it is.


"Activism is the practice of using an internal, self-determining source of power to live one's life and/or enact some sort of change. Power is the ability to define reality, while self-determination is to decide or define one's self. Therefore activism, is not simply something done to right some wrong or to fight some cause but rather it is a way of life. Activism is the way of life where one can define self and change anything that may impede or control the reality that one chooses to live."-Solarus