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Topic subjectIn my novice opinion...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=14964&mesg_id=15023
15023, In my novice opinion...
Posted by Solitayre, Thu May-17-01 06:49 AM
It seems that in the book called "The Holy Bible", GOD is referenced as a couple things....

1.)All knowing, seeing, hearing, etc....

So to say that the black man is the very image of GOD, in my opinion is correct. Why?

Well here are some things I noticed while either reading the bible or taking notice of what's around me....

In the bible, GOD was said to be the creator of all liing things...In fact, somewhere in the gospel, Jesus is said to have referenced himself as the son of the LIVING GOD...It is said also said that obedience to GOD's wishes and laws will result in
everlasting LIFE...So what is the point of what I just said...

GOD is represented through LIFE. And vice versa.


If you take notice of the common thread through which all life is established you start to notice certain patterns...
Some of the patterns I noticed of LIFE or WE...

We all are birthed...
We all need water and food of some sort...
We all create at least one of the groups of building blocks such as PROTEINS, SUGARS, FATS, or CARBOHYDRATES...
We tend to commune with our own type...
We all cease the processes of LIFE...

Or shall I say GOD, being that it is represented through these things...I can't call it...


back to the subject...

What I just tried to prove (Assuming that not only the audience would have noticed THE SAME SIMILARITIES BETWEEN DIFF SPECIES but, I also hoped the audience would humor my lack of SCIENTIFIC FACT..) is that


The greatest proof of this is the universe.

It surrounds us at all times...

We are as much part of it as we are part of Earth because Earth itself is enveloped by it...

So the universe, like God/LIFE, is all around us...

Wouldn't that be like saying that LIFE is represented through the universe???

Well you decide...

Oh yeah to tie all this in and not waste your time...What color is the universe? It is the color of all things...Even that whic we can't see through our normal scope of vision...That color is...Well...BLACK.