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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectMONEY IS POWER?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=14879&mesg_id=14906
Posted by guest, Wed May-02-01 06:13 AM
i thought ideas were power...another saying is that "ideas make money, good ideas make LOTS of money."

the ability to rally troops to move at your command has nothing to do with money. like in the movie GLADIAOTR (yeah, yeah, its a weak example but i haven't had my apple juice yet)

montgomery bus boycott, there's an HBO movie about this event and it amazed me at what they did when confronted with violence and they got the job done with no major money. carpooling when rides were desperately needed (idea not money). walking for months instead of riding the buses (idea not money). overall non-violence instead of wrath (idea of compassion vs. violence). ideas are the essence of any system/ideology/culture. economics are just a projection of those ideas.

ideas of communal living leads to cooperative economics...likewise ideas of capitalism (in the american context)leads to hightened individualism. even on the physical/lowest level, money is nothing but paper. ideas and perception are power.

MY FAVORITE DEFINITION: "Power is the ability to define reality"