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Topic subjectI like that hard w/o soft
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=13744&mesg_id=13821
13821, I like that hard w/o soft
Posted by ya Setshego, Wed Jun-13-01 12:01 PM
reference, speaking of men. ;-) But anyway, I DO feel that I don't NEED a man. I WANT a man. A GOOD one. A NEED is something one can't live without, like water. I won't DIE if I don't have a man. But, the presence a GOOD man certainly enhances what has already been a Good Life.

>>Think about it
>how would you define hard,
>without soft... lol

"Don't Hate the PLAYA Boy...hate the GAME," Granddad Freeman of the Boondocks(7-11-99)

*Twenty-three percent of women are "autoerotic singles" — they prefer to achieve sexual satisfaction alone(source-bet.com)

*If U have won a Grammy, one of two things are at play: 1. Your shit is TIGHT
2. U are white

"'Cuz U answer the phone 'peace' that means U not a freak?"-The Questions(c) Common