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Topic subjectRE: i'll answer, too
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=13744&mesg_id=13796
13796, RE: i'll answer, too
Posted by guest, Tue May-29-01 01:10 PM
>because everyone is so open and that's precious...
>>1) At what age did you
>>have your first sexual

if you mean by, intercouse, i've haven't had it
but if you mean kissing and heavy petting, 6 or 7,
i was repeating my abusers pattern of abuse with other boys....

>>2) What was your chief motivation
>>for entering that
>>relationship, or those relationships?

i thought it was how you normally relate to boys

>>3) Do you distinguish sex from
>>love, or are they the same?

i believe there can be love in sex, love without sex, or no love just sex....

>>4) Did you ever consider having
>>a child, although at
>>the time you weren't married? If
>>yes, how old were you
>>and what motivated the desire?

>no, i will not have a child without a husband.....that's why i am not married...i have not met any man worthy enough to father my children and be a life long partner....if i can not find a man worthy to father and raise my children, i will not be married.....children are just too precious to be effing around....

>>5) If you have children, what
>>is your relationship
>>with them- are they used to
>>fill the empty space in
>>your life; so they serve as
>>a weapon for keeping your
>>partner in line, etc. If you
>>do not have children, so
>>you still have a strong desire
>>to have them; what is
>>your motivation?

i do not have a strong desire to have children....although i do love children....like i said to raise and nurture children, you need to have a strong and spirtually committed partner....i just have not found that....

>>6) How and why did you
>>end your last relationship?

he followed the teachings of muhommad(sp), i followed the teachings of christ.....we were too strong in our faiths to compromise...especially when it came to our future children.....we were engaged to be married.....we thought it best to seperate now, because our marriage would have ended in divorce.....we were both the product of inept and divorced parents....

>>7) How strongly do you respond
>>to criticism from a
>>mate? Even when the criticism is
>>valid, do you
>>sometimes find yourself worried about whether
>>comments mean he is about to
>>break off the

no....if you think my sight is a little blurry.....love me enuff to tell me......

>>8) Do you prefer dating men
>>who are married, have
>>another girlfriend, or are intensely involed
>>their work?

no, i don't....i won't share....it's all or nothing with me....

>>9) Do you sometimes find yourself
>>in a good
>>relationship but still feel uncomfortable about


>>10) How often have you ended
>>a relationship before the
>>man whom you were dating, living
>>with, or married to
>>decided to end it?

in my last serious relationship....we mutually agreed to end it.

>>11) When you look at yourself
>>in the mirror, what do
>>you see? Are you comfortable or
>>uncomfortable with
>>your body image?

i'm comfortable with my body image....

>>12) How many times have you
>>tried dieting or gaining
>>weight over the last three years?


>>13) Have you ever suffered bulimia,
>>anorexia, or any
>>other eating disorder?


>>14) When you are hurt, angry,
>>or lonely, do you
>>frequently head for the refridgerator, for
>>the stove,
>>or for that bottle of wine?

>no, i usually read Psalms, write, or play a hard game of agressive basketball.......

>>15) How often do you head
>>for work, either in your
>>house or at your office, when
>>things are going badly
>>in a relationship?

>I try to deal with my feelings.....i allow myself to feel the pain, hurt, or sorrow.....and work through it....

>>16) Do you lash out at
>>others for no apparent reason?

>no, i tend to seperate myself and deal with what i am feeling.

>>17) Have you within the past
>>five years been the first
>>to attack, verbally or physically, your
>>male partner?


>>18) Do you sometimes become so
>>angry with yourself
>>that you deny yourself certain niceties?


>>19) Do you sometimes spend days
>>in bed when you are
>>not physically ill, find yourself tired
>>when you have
>>exerted very little if any physical
>>energy, realize
>>you can't get yourself motivated?

i used to, but i've gotten a lot better with dealing with my feelings....so it's not much of a problem anymore....

>>20) Have you ever thought that
>>you would be better off
>>dead, ever thought of commiting suicide,
>>attempted suicide?

yes, in my teens and early twenties

>>21) Do you sometimes bend over
>>backward in a
>>relationship, attempting to please the other
>>even if it means sacrificing your
>>own pleasure and
i used to do this, but not anymore.....it makes you resentful and you end up lashing out in the end.....if i don't feel like doing something, i explain why....so feelings won't get hurt....

>>22) Do you invest more time
>>in helping a man improve
>>his life than you do in
>>improving your own?

i used to do this, but not anymore....if he ain't ready, he ain't gone be ready......

>>23) Are you frequently overly conscious
>>of how people
>>perceive you?

used to be, but not anymore...

>>24) Do you feel that you
>>never measure up to others?

used to think this, but not anymore......

>>25) Do you believe everything you
>>do has to be

used to, but not anymore.....

peace in love,