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Topic subjectAnswers
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13794, Answers
Posted by Nettrice, Sat May-26-01 07:50 PM
>1) At what age did you
>have your first sexual


>2) What was your chief motivation
>for entering that
>relationship, or those relationships?

To explore and find out what the big deal was about sex. I made a bet with my roommate my freshman year on who would lose their virginity first.

>3) Do you distinguish sex from
>love, or are they the
>same thing to you?

After the first time, I don't engage in sex unless I love and care about the person.

>4) Did you ever consider having
>a child, although at
>the time you weren't married? If
>yes, how old were you
>and what motivated the desire?

I was 25. I thought it was time since my mother was the same age when she had me.

>5) If you do not have children, so
>you still have a strong desire
>to have them; what is
>your motivation?

I realized I am not at the same place in life my mother was at 25 and I am not the same person. I want to have a child by a man who is PRESENT and when the conditions are right I will have children.

>6) How and why did you
>end your last relationship?

I have had a eight-year, on and off relationship with the same man.

>7) How strongly do you respond
>to criticism from a
>mate? Even when the criticism is
>valid, do you
>sometimes find yourself worried about whether
>the comments mean he is about to
>break off the

I respond positively when the criticism is constructive. I am not worried about the relationship but I am sensitive to criticism that is not helpful.

>8) Do you prefer dating men
>who are married, have
>another girlfriend, or are intensely involed
>with their work?

I have never dated a married man but I have been involved as the other woman and with hard-working men. The first relationship was an accident that I ended after six months, when I was 19. With the others, we drifted apart when I moved away/went to school.

>9) Do you sometimes find yourself
>in a good relationship but still feel uncomfortable about


>10) How often have you ended
>a relationship before the
>man whom you were dating, living
>with, or married to
>decided to end it?

I was always the first to end the relationship.

>11) When you look at yourself
>in the mirror, what do
>you see? Are you comfortable or
>uncomfortable with
>your body image?

I see a 30 year old who looks 25. I see the girl I once was and the woman I am becoming. I am comfortable with my body image but I am dedicated to strengthening/preserving it.

>12) How many times have you
>tried dieting or gaining
>weight over the last three years?


>13) Have you ever suffered bulimia,
>anorexia, or any
>other eating disorder?


>14) When you are hurt, angry,
>or lonely, do you
>frequently head for the refridgerator, for
>the stove,
>or for that bottle of wine?

I pray, meditate, write, make art and/or talk to my best friend or sister.

>15) How often do you head
>for work, either in your
>house or at your office, when
>things are going badly
>in a relationship?

Hardly ever.

>16) Do you lash out at
>others for no apparent reason?


>17) Have you within the past
>five years been the first
>to attack, verbally or physically, your
>male partner?


>18) Do you sometimes become so
>angry with yourself
>that you deny yourself certain niceties?


>19) Do you sometimes spend days
>in bed when you are
>not physically ill, find yourself tired
>when you have exerted very little if any physical
>energy, realize you can't get yourself motivated?


>20) Have you ever thought that
>you would be better off
>dead, ever thought of commiting suicide,
>ever attempted suicide?

I thought of commiting suicide when I was 12.

>21) Do you sometimes bend over
>backward in a relationship, attempting to please the other
>person, even if it means sacrificing your
>own pleasure and happiness?

Seldom if ever

>22) Do you invest more time
>in helping a man improve
>his life than you do in
>improving your own?


>23) Are you frequently overly conscious
>of how people
>perceive you?

Hardly ever.

>24) Do you feel that you
>never measure up to others?


>25) Do you believe everything you
>do has to be


"Know thyself"

"Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you or forsake you". So we may boldly say, "The Lord is my helper, I will not fear. What can man do to me?"
-- Hebrews 13:5,6

"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path"
--Morpheus in "The Matrix"

"It's our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"- Dumbledore to Harry Potter "Chamber of Secrets"