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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectPEACE, sis...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=13744&mesg_id=13773
13773, PEACE, sis...
Posted by Solitayre, Sat May-26-01 06:51 AM
It's truly a shame a LOT of women I have had the blessing of coming in contact with had to learn your lesson...My VERY own sister might have learned this same (fill in the blank: truth/theory/facade/untruth)...My father once disbelieved her accusing her of being a wayward (Read: DRUGS & SEX)daughter...SOMETHING SO FAR FROM TRUTH...

And yes...A weak man CAN NOT BE A PROTECTOR OF A SURVIVOR (<--I hope) such as your likes...However, to give up on the structure of FAMILY (TWO OPPOSITE SEX PARENTAL FIGURES TO GUIDE THE CHILDREN), whether married or not...

It WILL lead to disappointment...

Though you MAY NOT be able to appreciate it now through what you see/have seen...YOU AS A WOMAN NEED A GOOD "STRONG"(<--By the way, what's your definition? Just Curious...) MAN TO GROW INTO OLD AGE WITH....MOST ESPECIALLY TO RAISE HEALTHY CHILDREN WITH....OVERSTAND THAT NO WOMAN CAN RAISE A BOY INTO A MAN. I KNOW THIS FROM A FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE BEING THE SON OF A SINGLE MOTHER WHO TRIED TO RAISE ME TO AVOID PHYSICAL CONFRONTATION AT ALL COSTS...(didn't work also).......Plus, there are just things a boy can NOT discuss with a woman for guidance and understanding...Plus....

The world is tough without us...You'd be SURPRISED at all the little things our strength can accomplish. Even when you break it down to the point of moving heavy objects around the apartment/house, a man, in the most basic sense, is a utility no woman can/should be without...