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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectThat is so deep
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=13744&mesg_id=13760
13760, That is so deep
Posted by ya Setshego, Wed May-23-01 09:27 AM
2 me. Please tell us more. I am learning so much from what U R posting here b/c my father was certainly no prize, but I guess he wasn't the WORST father in the world either(or at least that's what my mother tells me). I have had a LifeLong battle w/ reconciling my feelings about him and the way he treated my mother, the way he behaved in general, and most importantly, the way he treated me. So I tend 2 attract men who have his best qualities, but some have his worst qualities 2, which R TOTALLY unacceptable 2 me. I have not been able 2 run away nor escape that, although I've employed a myriad of methods in attempt 2 do so. U seem 2 have found that "way out", which intrigues me. Even though U were not directly abused, being witness 2 it was psychological abuse, "I" say. So, U were subjected 2, and affected by it 2. But U freed Urself from it. There has 2 be more 2 Ur liberation than what U have stated. I for one would appreciate it if U could elaborate further. U R being quite informative/instructive.


I was
>able to get involved with
>men who were not like
>my father. If anything,
>I bounce back from adversity.
> I am resilient but
>I chose my path and
>I feel at peace.
>>are the Ultimate Survivor.
>>"Don't Hate the PLAYA Boy...hate the
>>GAME," Granddad Freeman of the
>>*Twenty-three percent of women are "autoerotic
>>singles" — they prefer to
>>achieve sexual satisfaction alone(source-bet.com)
>>*If U have won a Grammy,
>>one of two things are
>>at play: 1. Your shit
>>is TIGHT
>> 2.
>>U are white
>>"'Cuz U answer the phone 'peace'
>>that means U not a
>>freak?"-The Questions(c) Common
>"Know thyself"
>"Let your conduct be without covetousness;
>be content with such things
>as you have. For
>He Himself has said, "I
>will never leave you or
>forsake you". So we may
>boldly say, "The Lord is
>my helper, I will not
>fear. What can man
>do to me?"
>-- Hebrews 13:5,6
>"There is a difference between knowing
>the path and walking the
>--Morpheus in "The Matrix"
>"It's our choices, Harry, that show
>what we truly are, far
>more than our abilities"- Dumbledore
>to Harry Potter "Chamber of

"Don't Hate the PLAYA Boy...hate the GAME," Granddad Freeman of the Boondocks(7-11-99)

*Twenty-three percent of women are "autoerotic singles" — they prefer to achieve sexual satisfaction alone(source-bet.com)

*If U have won a Grammy, one of two things are at play: 1. Your shit is TIGHT
2. U are white

"'Cuz U answer the phone 'peace' that means U not a freak?"-The Questions(c) Common