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Topic subjectaiight......
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12902, aiight......
Posted by wonluv, Wed Jun-13-01 09:01 AM
>if the teachings of Christ and those documented in the Bible >are meant to be taken as natural law, then why do they have to >be repeated so many times to Christians? Why do Christians have >to constantly be reminded WHAT and WHY they have faith in?

well, i think the fact that we are both spirit and flesh plays into this. unfortunately, the physical realm is what we are more in tune with. there is a constant struggle to stress the spiritual sides of our being. repetition is the mother of study. reiteration (sp?) of basic principles of Christianity eventually helps overcome the natural side of our being. if a Christian constantly struggles with the same things and falls to the same mistakes over and over again however, i think that denotes a lack of faith or shows their lack of discipline. the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. it's insane to read God's word one day, not apply His laws, and expect your life to change. it doesn't work that way.

>Also, the concept of "salvation" seems to be the over-riding >theme of christianity....why? shouldnt an individual be more >concerned about the just and right way they live instead of the >consequences of the way they live?
>Why were the books at the end, ala Revelations, tacked on so >late after the completition of the bible? was it just THAT hard >to take Christianity without a negative paroble?

God wants you to love Him because He loves you and He takes care of you, not because if you don't love Him you will be punished. still, the reality is, that God's way of life is the only way that life was originally meant to be lived. anything outside of that is out of order. revelations is at the end of the bible because it represents what the last days are going to be like. it only makes sense that it happens at the end. plus, i think God wanted you to have the other 65 books of good news (which revelation still is....depending on your relationship with God) to make a decision.

>Why do Christians seem to be the ONLY faith who have little to >no respect for other faiths? I have failed to see an >Evangelistical jew or hindu.
>why do christians cry for an atrocity when christians living in >Islamic states are denied the ability to worship but never say >a thing when they go to countries like Tibet, Pakistan, India, >etc...and destroy the age-old societal religions with >demeening "missionary" revivals?

if you know that a house is burning, but the people inside of it are unaware, are you going to be passive in letting them know that their lives will end? it is there choice to want to get burned, but don't you feel obligated to let them know they are going to die? that's how Christians think. we don't believe that there is any other way because the bible clearly states it. any other religion is considered idolatry. plain and simple.

>If it is a truthfull and non-mythological religion, then why >does it have to be morphed and tailored to fit so many >individuals comfort zones, from the Unitarians to the southern >Baptists to the Episcopals to the Methodists to the catholics >to the protestants to the quakers to the "sunday morning ?>screamers"?

denominations are man made. they have nothing to do with the actual word of God. i think in the coming years you will see denominations dwindling away. as far as worship style, how we worship can be attributed to culture. i mean, there is nothing in the bible stating that you can't dance and rap in church. there nothing that says you have to jump and yell, either. every service should be lead by Holy Spirit and not restrained to fit anything printed on a sunday program.

>Why does god need money?

He walks on gold. He doesn't need money. we do. as i stated earlier, we are both spirit and flesh. in the flesh, we need money to survive. how can we minister in bagdad or feed the hungry if the church itself doesn't have money. that goes against commons sense.
also, when we speak of tithe, it has nothing to do with giving the church money. it is an act of faith. God asks for one dime out of every dollar you earn. a lot less than what uncle sam does! not to pay for the pastor's helicopter, but to see how faithful you are in what He has given you. it's His in the first place! you wouldn't have it unless He gave it. how can we deny Him what is already His? plus, what many churches don't teach is that tithe doesn't have to be money. it can be providing professional services or your time. it ain't all about dollars.

>Is the physicall "church" more important than an individuals >own spirituality?

first, the church is the group of people that make up the congregation, not the physical building. secondly, no, it is not. the building means very little. if anything, is should have room to accommodate the current congregation plus newcomers. however, a beautiful sanctuary is no sin. God wants us to prosper. God Himself is not frugal. if you can afford to have an iced out church, handle that! but don't let that become your god.

i hope that helped.


"i write to let my soul fly higher, while ya'll defeatin' the purpose like black highlighters"-wonluv