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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectRE: the problem is this:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=12617&mesg_id=12739
12739, RE: the problem is this:
Posted by Apocalypse, Thu Jun-07-01 08:11 PM
>The Christian right's efforts to oppress
>me with its dogma frustrates
>me. I don't want
>the effin 10 commandments on
>my classroom walls, I don't
>want prayer in my school,
>and I don't want my
>music/films censored etc...

The "Christian Right Effort" used to be called free speech until Christians started using it. The same right you have to not want the "effin 10 commandments in the classroom" is the same right we have to pray in schools. Your participation is personal and solely up to you, but DENYING the right to pray is hypocritical and jsut as bad as a Christian "forcing" their dogma on you.