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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectUNITE against...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=12387&mesg_id=12409
12409, UNITE against...
Posted by alek, Tue Jul-17-01 08:03 AM
...sweatshops. :-)

Sorry, I'm trying to get a job with them next year.

As for unity, you're right. You don't unite AGAINST, you unite FOR.

In some of the best advice I've ever received, a community organizer told me that you never have enemies, and should never treat anyone as such.

Sometimes you'll be sitting on the same side of the table, sometimes opposite sides. But if you put all your energy into pushing FOR change instead of fighting AGAINST the oppressive power of the status quo (I know it's a fine line), you can get somewhere without dividing yourselves.


LEFT side of the bedroom, fool!
What?! What?!