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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectRE: unity
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=12387&mesg_id=12389
12389, RE: unity
Posted by sistasoul, Mon Jul-16-01 09:27 AM
vegetarian in a world of
menus won't result in a
pork-free vegetarian menu. but a
whole armya "is that PORK
n my tofu?!"ers can achieve

I like that analogy a lot :) I guess this is in response to the "Lets all unite and be happy" or whatever post that someone put up. Not to down that person for their idealistic (if not a bit fantasmical) point of view, but thats probably not going to happen. All of the cultures and races in the world are not going to be sitting around the campfire singing kumbaya anytime soon. I'll tell you why, but not now. I hate to say something and not be able to explain my opinion and back it up by facts, but Unfortunately, I'm working. But I'll get back with my reasons as soon as I can.


"I'm an African, never was an African American..." - Dead Prez