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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectRE: the point
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=12030&mesg_id=12052
12052, RE: the point
Posted by guest, Mon Jul-23-01 09:18 AM
>was motivation
>-when you're motivated by a low
>self esteem, you'll always do
>more harm than good-

i dont buy into that bleeding heart liberal kind of thinking. the greatest motivation in the world is FEAR, which is based in insecurity. people have created nations, communities, etc, all because they fear for their safety and assume that living in groups provides them a greater level of protection. people follow rules because they FEAR if they do wrong, there will be negative consequences, one of which is shame and embarassment. people follow social norms, many of which are rooted in practical/good reasons, because of FEAR of being labelled outcasts and banishment.

Negative motivation discourages poor performance and pushes people to do things, whether they want to or not.

A people that are constantly that are constantly coddled and told that they are the shyt (or tell themselves) accomplish nothing, people must be driven to do things.