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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectout of character (for a sec)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=11979&mesg_id=11979
11979, out of character (for a sec)
Posted by guest, Wed Aug-08-01 05:17 AM
you know, sometimes i think the whole GOD concept was contrived by a group of men jealous of women.

peep this: being that a woman has the ability to create life, nurture life, and be intimately involved in the whole process of birth...i think the patriarchal GOD concept was created as a way for males to fit themselves in, or better yet complement that which the woman did on this physical level. being that the whole process of creation can be paralleled to what is perhaps the greatest and most miraculous event a human being can experience (childbirth) is also of interest. males being less intimately involved in the physical process alone and the accompanying experience of carrying a child makes me see the patriarchal God concept as basic jealousy.

interestingly enough it seemed to be steered in the direction of competing/oppresing the woman.

1)God "projects himself" in order to bring about existence (male act of ejaculation)

2)women are second in everything (result of male ego)

3)creation of "man" is given more attention in order to compete with what only a woman can create..."man" (without women there is no one)

just some thoughts on the way to work...
