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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectYeah I blew up
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=11689&mesg_id=11745
11745, Yeah I blew up
Posted by Solarus, Fri Sep-21-01 11:43 AM

This was just the final straw. I just couldn't take anymore of his whining. I've held my tongue on numerous occassions but I felt that I needed to address this. 90% of Hotthyng's posts in okayactivist are complaining about something utamaroho said. It's just damn pitiful.

Either utamaroho and hotthyng got sumthin goin on offline that we don't know about or he really feels poorly about his current lifestyle.


Still representin' the RED, BLACK & GREEN since 1978!

Ain't a damn thing changed...

*That includes the Panamanian "dummy government setup by you know who" flag.

***Something to think about***

"if the god of these religions (judaism/christianity/islam) is not above using terrorist tactics to make people believe in Him (and what's the big deal if people do Not believe in Him? God is a egomaniac) then why wouldnt the hardcore followers of these faiths have a tendency to terrorism as well?"- yuckwheat

***PEace to those who made the transition...***