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Topic subjectso is there any SPCIFIC information to say he entered into Egypt?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=11531&mesg_id=11635
11635, so is there any SPCIFIC information to say he entered into Egypt?
Posted by guest, Wed Oct-03-01 07:14 AM
are there any facts to support that he was there? i.e. residue that we can see that this is actually the case?

the best way to answer this is to think as if you said this, and then someone said they didn't believe you. how would you go about proving to them that this is so?

what information would you offer to "show" that there was an invasion in egypt specifically by Dorian?

not so much texts from the greek perspective (which i cannot find either), but evidence that can be seen in egypt (during the timeline you gave) that suggests that there was an outside greek inivasion.

i can't even find anything in the Egyptology resources all over the net about anyone named Dorian or a greek invasion of egypt during that time! And i'm looking at information showing lists, and lists of invasions of egypt AND the surrounding areas...but no listing of Dorian....why is that?
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