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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectRE: Why undertake this study?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=11378&mesg_id=11415
11415, RE: Why undertake this study?
Posted by lidawg, Wed Sep-26-01 07:45 AM
I was curious to know that when reading books that criticize European thought from an Afrocentric perspective if you feel the book has credibility because of the powerful argument posited by the author? Or, is there an instinctual feeling that the words have truth spelled within them and you feel this regardless of the authors point of view? I think this might help to get at what HalleLuYah was saying in whether to accept truth in someone's point of view rather than just accepting something because it's in black and white. I haven't read Yurugu since it's difficult to find w/o spending hella loot so I can't add much else to the discussion so far.


"u never know, u might be closer to the truth than u think. people wear their stories on their backs. u just have to know how to read them."--LexM

"Man, use shuffle cuz sometimes a cd's playlist can fk up a cd"--me

"Man was born free and is everywhere in chains."--Rousseau