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Topic subjectDAY 7
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=10912&mesg_id=11044
11044, DAY 7
Posted by guest, Mon Sep-10-01 05:33 AM
drank water fro first half of the day...
then fruit juices (pear/apple/raspberry)

was having a so-so day, went to country (Macon, GA) to get fresh air. ATLANTA is dirty as hell, the pollution can be seen coming over I-75.

interesting moments: went to the mall there and a woman in this afrikan store complimented my crown while i was bent over looking at a bracelet in the display case. i told her i made it and she offered to work out a barter ( i love afrikans! :) ). so i go to my car, pull out about 8 crowns that i never intended on wearing and gave them to her...IN EXCHANGE, she gave me this BEAUTIFUL bracelet from ghana that she'd just gotten (she had just landed from a trip to ghana). this thing is AWESOME, i'd always been looking for a bracelet like this one, i used to think i'd have to have one made for me. and gett this, the design on it means "fire weilder"!!!!! (my mind exploded in a gleeful, yiiiiiippppeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!)

anyways...she also gave me a bob marley shirt too...and wants me to make more for her.

later on: i bought an enema kit and used it. inseting the speculum was a little weird on the first bagfull, but kinda cool the second time...

i'm definitly gonna start adding wheatgrass to the enema bag..and apple cider vinegar...would have done one this morning, but was running late...

soul veggie closed early, so luckily ( i mean UNFORTUNATELY ;) ) i couldn't partake of the fiery sword...boo hoo. :) i thnk the enemas made up for it.

anybody else have any enema experience?
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Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.

The word for today is: SELF-DISCIPLINE.
