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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectRE: Hello.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=10634&mesg_id=10838
10838, RE: Hello.
Posted by kemetian, Wed Oct-10-01 11:45 AM
>Kemetian needs to understand, she's not
>just preaching to the Anti-Everythinger
>choir here. There are
>other folks reading these posts.
>It's not good to lay out
>an argument assuming those who'll
>read it will agree w/you
>or will approach it from
>some assumed perspective. Especially
>not on the goddamned internet.

the assumption was that ppl would be able to c the larger picture, not that they'd necessarily agree. and i already said that was done in error. and i'm glad frankly that all of us r able to have this exchage b/c ppl don't want to deal w/ this idea of collective consciousness & that we r not all the same. ppl woud rather just call me racist and fly away. how many ppl r sticking around to discuss?

"Be not arrogant because of your knowledge. Take counsel with the ignorant as well as with the wise. For the limits of knowledge in any field have never been set and no one has ever reached them. Wisdom is rarer than emeralds, and yet it is found among the women who gather at the grindstones."
-The Book of Ptahhotep(excerpt)