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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectAwwww
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=10496&mesg_id=10510
10510, Awwww
Posted by kemetian, Fri Oct-12-01 12:55 PM
>I'm sometimes disappointed by some
>of the things that are
>said by you and the
>others on this board. some
>you are so intelligent but
>then you seemed closed minded
>by some of your views.

poor baby, we hate to disappoint you, and it's so good to know that everyone can track their intelligence w/ the Qoolskip factor.
"Utamaroho i thought u were so sharp"
"Solarus, i thought u were intelligent"
well Qoolskip y don't u share some of your intelligence w/ us, instead of constantly telling ppl how intelligent u "thought" they were. y not have a discussion instead of running out with your hands over your ears, screaming "RACIST!"
i mean really, which is more intelligent?
who has the closed mind?
the one who tries to understand what is being said a la Sunday or the one flying away like the little bee he purports himself to be?

>So please answer the question that
>I asked in my first
>post and try not to
>read to far into what
>I stated. Its a simple

and answer my question: what did i say thst was racist? (assuming for un momentito that i can be racist)

>Universal love is the answer not
>ignorant rhetoric.

what is the rhetoric "ignorant" of?

and i ask these only b/c i care, really i do.
"Be not arrogant because of your knowledge. Take counsel with the ignorant as well as with the wise. For the limits of knowledge in any field have never been set and no one has ever reached them. Wisdom is rarer than emeralds, and yet it is found among the women who gather at the grindstones."
-The Book of Ptahhotep(excerpt)